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vinyl house

Single-channel video 21:23|2018|

ある日の夕暮れ時、いくつものビニールハウスが並ぶ農耕地帯を歩いていた。車のヘッドライトに照らされてビニールハウスが光輝き、中にいる誰かの人影が現れた。そんな体験をかき集めてつくった展覧会が「vinyl house」(2018)である。

Since we wanted to create something, Haruka Ohta , Tomoko Takemasa  and I often hung out together. I visited them at their studio, walked with them to the market in their neighborhood, and went to the suburbs with them on weekends.

One day at dawn, we walked through an agricultural area lined with a number of vinyl greenhouses. The vinyl house was illuminated by the headlights of a car, and the shadow of someone inside appeared. Our exhibition “vinyl house" (2018) was created by collecting such experiences.

The video work "t|o," which I contributed to this exhibition, tells the love story of a couple based on Ohta and Takemasa's real history. Around that time, I began to focus on something elusive and let my physical senses guide my creation, rather than having a concept first.

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